UNIT11 The Lion and the Mouse 教学实录(3)

2011-04-18  |  

  二、Read the story. 阅读理解故事

  1. Fast reading. Get the answer to the question: Who is strong?

  T:Who is strong?

  S1: The mouse is strong.

  S2: No, the lion is strong.

  T: Two ideas. Tell me the reason.

  S1: Because the mouse saved the lion.

  S2: Maybe the lion can save the mouse one day.

  T: I think both of you are right. Let’s read the story carefully.


  2.Read in details picture by picture.

  After reading, let the students answer some questions:

  When the mouse meet the lion , how does he feel first?

  S: The mouse is afraid. (teach ‘afraid’)

  T: Why?

  S: Because the lion wants to eat the mouse.

  T: What does the mouse say? 注意老鼠说话的语气:胆小、害怕。

  S1: Please, please don’t eat me, Mr. Lion. I’m not delicious.

  S2: Please don’t kill me. Maybe I can help you someday.

  T: Does the lion agree? What does the lion say after this?

  S1: OK, I will not eat you, go away

  S2: YOU? Help ME? Are you crazy?

  T: Look, what’s happened? Where is the lion?

  Ss: In the net.

  T: If you were the lion, what would you say?

  Ss: Help! Help! Who can help me?

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