北师大版英语 3B Unit 11 Green berries 说课稿(2)

2011-03-30  |  

  5、Play a game. “Touch your mouth, please.”(通过听做游戏,巩固相关词汇)

  Step II: Presentation

  1、Point to my “stomach” and say

  “This is my stomach.” Repeat the word two times.

  Have the children practice this word in different ways.(虽然是传统教学,但是形象直观)

  2、Repeat the procedure for the other words “chest、arm and leg”

  3、Review the body parts words.

  Play the CD, have the children look, listen and repeat.(现代教育技术,简单易懂,培养正确的语音语调)

  4、Let’s play a game, OK?

  “Show me your stomach, please.”(运用听做活动巩固词汇)

  (To a child)(事先安排好一学生上课时突然不舒服,肚子痛)

  T: Hi! Danny. How are you today?

  Danny: I’m not well. My stomach hurts.

  (To the other children) How is he today?(由旧知引出新知,水到渠成,不生硬)

  Elicit: He’s not well. His stomach hurts.

  (Write the sentences on the Bb and teach.)

  2、Have the children practice the sentences in different ways.(学生们通过不同形式操练句型,由模仿到练习,增强学生对新知的理解和运用。)

  3、(CAI) T: How is he today?(通过不同画面的展示,请学生运用所学知识)

  Have some children answer.

  Then have some children ask and answer about other pictures.

  4、Have the children look at the poster. (请学生观看Ken生病的挂图)

  问 “How is Ken today?” 请学生回答 “He isn’t well. His stomach hurts.”

  Read the words to the children, they listen and repeat.

  5、Role play. Teacher and two children make a model to act out the dialog.(师生示范表演故事,为学生提供一个可操作的模式,)

  6、Have the children practice in groups of three.(学生三人一组练习表演故事,让学生认识到集体目标的实现离不开个人的努力,激发其进一步追求成功的欲望。)

  7、Have some groups act out their dialogs.(请几组学生上台汇报展示,让学生在情景中练习达到掌握知识的目的。)

  Step III: Comment(对学生今天的表现进行总结)

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