Unit 11 Green berries 第一课时 教学指导

2011-04-08  | 指导 教学 教学指导 


  Prepare student cards.

  1.Set the scene

  鈥sk the children about the last time they were sick. Ask them if they went to see a doctor. Say, 鈥淲hat did the doctor ask you to do?鈥 Try to elicit the equivalent expression for Open your mouth in their own language.

  鈥ntroduce the word mouth. Draw a picture of a face on the board with an arrow pointing to the mouth. Write the word mouth next to the picture.鈥ead the word aloud and have the children repeat it after you.

  鈥ow present the expression, Open your mouth. Write the sentence on the board and have the children repeat it after you.

  鈥sk the children what is inside their mouths (teeth, tongue). Introduce the word tongue. Draw a tongue sticking out of the mouth in your picture on the board. Write the word tongue next to the picture. Read the word aloud and have the children repeat it after you.

  鈥sk the children how they feel if they have eaten too much fruit. In their own language, elicit the words for stomachache.

  鈥ntroduce the word stomach. Point to your own stomach and say the word again. Write the word on the board. Read it aloud and have the children repeat it after you.

《Unit 11 Green berries 第一课时 教学指导》摘要: is inside their mouths (teeth, tongue). Introduce the word tongue. Draw a tongue sticking out of the mouth in your picture on the board. Write the word tongue next to the picture. Read the word alou...
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